Useful JS Tips you should know

Useful JS Tips you should know

In this article, we will look at some useful methods that we can use in JS to reduce our code and make our lives easier 🙂

Spreading Objects

We can spread objects using ( … ) to spread objects and combine them together.

const first = { name: "Nima" };
const second = { job: "Front-End" };
const combined = { ...first, ...second, location: "DE" };

Spreading Arrays

Like the last code snippet, Also here we can use the same logic

const first = [1, 2, 3];
const second = [4, 5, 6];
const combined = [...first, "A1", ...second, "A2"];

Calling and Changing Children of an Object

We can call and change children of objects very easily like:

const person = {
    name: "Nima",
    walk() {}, // New method
    talk: function () {}, // Old method
};; // Simple calling method from an object 
person['name'] = 'john'; // Simply changing the value of children of an object = 'john'; // We can also access children of an object like this

const targetMember = 'NAME';
person[targetMember] = 'NEW NAME'; // Dynamically access an object using a variable or whatever :)

This Key word

This keyword in JS acts differently from other programming languages. See The example below.

const person = {
    name: "Nima",
    walk() {
        console.log(this); // (this) here will refer to the person object

person.walk(); // Will refer to person Object

const walk = person.walk; // Refrecing walk method to variable NOT calling it
walk(); // HERE (this) keyword return undefined (Restrict Mode) and point to window Object :|

Bind in JS

Everything in JS is object even functions. We can use the bind keyword to bind a function to an object

const person = {
    name: "Nima",
    walk() {


const walk = person.walk.bind(person); // Binding walk to person Object 
walk(); // No Longer Window object (Undefined in Restricted Mode)

Arrow Functions

We can use arrow functions and their abilities to reduce our code with other benefits

const square = (number) => number * number; // Simple example
console.log(square(5)); // Code is shorter as you can see

const jobs = [
    { id: 1, isActive: true },
    { id: 2, isActive: true },
    { id: 3, isActive: false },
const activeJobs = jobs.filter((job) => job.isActive); // Return jobs that they are active :)

Arrow Functions and THIS keyword

arrow functions bind this keyword automatically or more accurate not re-bind This 😛

const person = {
    talk() {
        setTimeout(function () {
            console.log("this", this); // Will Point to window Object (Because of OLD function keyword)
        }, 800);

        setTimeout(() => {
            console.log("this", this); // Will point to Person Object (using arrow function)
        }, 1000);

Array Map iterate inside items of the array with given callback

const colors = ["red", "green", "blue"];
const items = => `<li>${color}</li>`); // Using ( ` ` ) we can create template literal
// items variable will return list of colors :)

Objects Destructuring

We can destruct objects and reduce our code like example below

const address = {
    street: "",
    city: "",
    country: "",

const street = address.street;
const city =;
const country =;

// Clean Code is here :D
const { street: st, city, country } = address; // Also We can use ( : ) to define another name for item

Classes In JS

We can define classes and use theme multiple times link example below

class Person {
    constructor(name) { = name;

    walk() {

const person = new Person("nima");
person.walk(); // Display Nima :) - Using this implementation we can reduce coding and make maintenance easier

Classes Inheritance

We can inherit parent methods and values from the parent class to the children. See example below

class Person {
    constructor(name) { = name;

    walk() {

class Teacher extends Person {
    // Here using ( extends ) we can inherit methods from parent class :)
    constructor(name, degree) {
        super(name); // Using ( super ) we can overwrite parents arguments -> "name" is overwritted here = degree;

    teach() {

const codeTeacher = new Teacher("Mosh", "MSC"); // Teachers Should walk as well :)

Modules Creation

Also, we can define modules to reduce our code size by putting classes into an external file (Like CSS style sheets) and import them where ever that we want them

/******** Our index.js ***********/

import { Teacher } from "./teacher"; // Location of teacher module

const codeTeacher = new Teacher("Mosh", "MSC");
/******** Our teacher.js ***********/

import { Person } from "./person"; // Location of person module

export class Teacher extends Person {
    constructor(name, degree) {
        super(name); = degree;

    teach() {
/******** Our person.js ***********/

export class Person {
    constructor(name) { = name;

    walk() {

* Note that it is important to export modules from other files.

Named Default Exports

We can define multiple exports for a module and also define which one is the default one. Look at the example below:

/******** Our teacher.js ***********/

import { Person } from "./person";

// Normal Export is here
export function handleDegree() {
    /* Some JS Code Here */

// Default Export is here
export default class Teacher extends Person {
    constructor(name, degree) {
        super(name); = degree;

    teach() {
/******** Our index.js ***********/

import Teacher, { handleDegree } from "./teacher";
// We can import the default one (without parentheses) and the normal one in parentheses

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